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How to Sleep Well in Hot Weather

For many people, the start of Wimbledon aligns with the start of Summer. The thought of sunny days is long overdue and welcomed with open arms.  That’s until the stuffy and sticky nights, and tricky sleeping conditions begin. So how can you sleep well in hot weather?

So how can you stay cool when you turn in for the night? Here are some top tips for a better night’s sleep:

Get shady

If you’re going to try just one thing, keeping all the curtains closed around the house during the daytime to stop the sun coming in will help. Where there’s shade falling on the house, open these windows so a cool breeze can fill the room.  Then an hour before going to bed open all the windows around the house to get a late-night blast.  Remember to close any downstairs windows before going to bed though.

Another idea is to wet a large sheet and hang it in front of an open window. As the wind blows the dampness from the sheet will help bring the temperature in the room down.

My biggest fan

Another practical solution is to use an electric fan to create a breeze (especially on a still night). However, don’t just blow the hot air around, put a large container of ice in front of the fan to cool the circulating air down.

Take the splash

If you feel like you want to refresh yourself to reduce the feeling of being sticky, then opt for a cool or lukewarm shower or bath just before bedtime.


Create a cold compress and apply it to the main pressure points like the backs of knees, inner elbows, and neck. Wringing out a flannel in very cold water and applying it to your forehead and temples has a nice cooling effect too.

Go through the roof

We all know that hot air rises so open your loft hatch and let the hot air escape through the roof.

Pillow talk

Are you a sleeper who likes to find the cold side of the pillow?  If so, try putting your pillow in the fridge or freezer an hour before going to bed. This will help to stay colder for longer.

Cotton bottoms

In warmer weather, change your bottom sheets to cotton rather than nylon. Nylon will absorb sweat and the waterproof mattress will stop moisture from being soaked up.  Both will leave the sleeper covered in sweat. Remember we sell a range of mattress protectors that are waterproof yet breathable, perfect year-round but especially handy in the summer.

Top Tip – Don’t put a sheet over your protector to feel the full benefit!

Hot and cold

Don’t pack away your hot water bottle just yet. In the summer it can be used to be filled with cold water and frozen. Pop the frozen ‘cold water bottle’ into bed an hour before you go to sleep for some nice ice-cold patches.


Ensure you drink enough during the day to stay hydrated. At night take a large glass of iced water to bed with you in case you need more to drink through the warm evening.

Electric feel

Before going to bed make sure you turn off all electric devices in the home as they will omit heat. This includes keeping lights switched off. If you do need some natural light, why not burn a candle which will add a romantic glow to the room too.  Don’t forget to extinguish it before you go to sleep.

Still can’t sleep?

If you still can’t fall asleep? Do something calm and relaxing that won’t stimulate the brain. Try reading a book or laying outside star gazing. A rested mind helps for a peaceful night’s sleep.

Our team can help you find your ideal sleep haven. Visit one of our Stores or call 03300 583200.

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